Thursday, October 28, 2010

What's Your Natural High?

Our team was encouraged by Mrs. Kyle, our guidance counselor, to find our natural high. A natural high is something we find to do, other than drugs, that we love and makes us feel good inside. We watched a great video in which some athletes shared their favorite natural highs. They also shared personal experiences of friends who didn't make good decisions, and what this did to their lives. Their messages were very powerful. We enjoyed Mrs. Kyle's visit, and we're thankful that she cared to share this lesson with us.

How many correct words per minute can you read? Today, our team found out! Mrs. Mac gave us our first fluency testing today. We each read individually for her, and letters describing our performance will go home in our first report card envelope.

We began work on an end-of-book project for Bud, Not Buddy. Each of us is making a submarine sandwich book report. Each item on our sandwiches will describe the various story elements. Our sandwich parts: bread, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mustard, and mayo will make one delicious story when we're finished! Bud was hungry through most of the story. This is a sandwich in which he would love to sink his teeth! Reading great books like Bud, Not Buddy makes us hungry for more!

In Math, we started our review for our Chapter 1 test. Boy, did we cover a lot! Go back to page 4 in your text to start to review. Many of the students need to look back and review exponents. To review, it would be best to complete some of the problems from each Check section. There is a Diagnostic Checkpoint on pages 39 and 51. I encouraged the students to focus on the areas in which they have difficulty.

Bud, Not Buddy came to a close today in McD's Cafe. During our cafe, we played a comprehension game together. Each of us wrote a question about the story on a card. Mrs. Mac, Mrs. Haddox, and Mrs. Corwin gathered the cards and we sat in our discussion groups. When a question was asked, each group spelled out the answer with their soup. They also cited text to support their answer. The first group to do this, raised their hands and were checked. Winners received chocolate skeleton parts and were able to place one piece of their skeleton on the board. Group 204 had the most complete skeleton by the end. Everyone had fun reviewing the story. We enjoyed Halloween cookies from our teachers with our Kool-Aid today. Mrs. Corwin visited and assisted with McD's today, and shared her love of reading. We thank her for taking part.

Language Arts - Work on sandwich. It is due on Monday.
Math - Finish your study packet. Test on Chapter 1 is Monday.
Science- read D 58-65 and complete questions and define vocabulary.
Wellness- Graph on jumping rope.

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