Sunday, October 24, 2010

Red Ribbon Week Begins!

The students have been hard at work creating their doors for Red Ribbon Week. You can see how elaborate and creative our students can be!

Math was full of competition as the students answered variable equations on their mini white boards. The students learned to solve the equations by getting the variable alone. They learned a little jingle "so the same to each side" to help them.

Wellness, room 204, got a bit of a workout this afternoon! The students took turns jumping rope and counting their jumps. Later, they will calculate their mean, median, mode, and range. There were many red faces at the end! How many jumps can you jump in 30 seconds?

In Science, we started to review for out test on Wednesday. The students worked in groups to answer review questions. Remember to review the three types of rocks and examples of each.

In Chapter 14 of Bud, Not Buddy, Bud cries real tears! This is something Bud thought he couldn't do anymore. Mrs. McIlvaine read Chapter 14 to us in class today. Then we attempted to write about why Bud's tears came so suddenly. We supported our thoughts with examples found in the story.

Remember to wear GOLD and BLUE tomorrow to show your support of a drug-free school!
Wednesday is Team Jersey Day and Thursday is wear RED day.

Language Arts - Finish Bud, Not Buddy and complete your role for Thursday.
Social Studies - Study your notes and lesson 1. Quiz tomorrow.
Science: Review sheet on the Three Types of Rocks. Test Wednesday.
Wellness (204): Put your data in order from your jumps.
Math: "Solve Algebraic Equations" Worksheet

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