Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our brains were working hard today!

We were busy bees in Team Enterprise today. Math classes completed an Open-Ended Problem focusing on the use of variables. The students will be graded by a rubric. In Science, we finished the Three Types of Rocks with a quiz.

In Wellness, the students took their data from jumping rope yesterday and turned it into a graph. They computed the mean, median, mode, and range of their jumping. The students really enjoyed going to the gym for Wellness.

We are nearing the end of the first nine weeks! In Language Arts, we've completed one unit's worth of work. Today, we demonstrated our knowledge of these key reading skills by taking a Unit Skills Test. We also completed our Reading Benchmarks to show what skills have been mastered and those that still need work. Hats off to our team! We're looking forward to McD's Cafe tomorrow.

Language Arts: Finish Bud, Not Buddy, and come prepared with your role tomorrow.
Wellness: Graph recording the number of jumps per 30 seconds
Science: Read pages D 58-65 and complete the questions on page 65. Define the vocabulary for those pages.
Don't forget tomorrow is "Wear Red Day!" Show your support for drug awareness!

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