Monday, January 7, 2013

Learning More About the Defiance Campaign

This week, we are wrapping up our study of Nelson Mandela, as a conclusion to our African Unit.  We've learned so much about his home, childhood years, how he became educated, and his role as a leader in South Africa.  Today, our topic focused on how he served Africans as a lawyer with his friend Oliver Tambo.  The more that Mr. Mandela helped Africans, the more the government placed bans on his activities.  The students have listened well, taken notes, and have been active in discussions.  If you have a child in this class, please ask them what they know about Nelson Mandela.  They have a lot to share!

In Language Arts, the students previewed and read Storm-a-Dust.  All agreed that the setting of the story directly affected the characters' actions and the overall mood.  Tomorrow, we will discuss the story at one of our skill stations, continue our study of setting as a story element, practice using possessive nouns, and review our spelling words. 

During our P.S.S.A. review, we focused on "reading between the lines!"  Always, we should be thinking as readers.  It is important to take the clues an author gives us, put the clues together with things we know, and make reasonable inferences.  When we read on, we can see if what we infer is actually accurate.  If it's not, okay!  If it is, great!  The important thing is that we're making connections with the text!  We reviewed tips to help us make reasonable inferences and conclusions in class today.  We applied these tips to a short story.  This skill review will continue during next Monday's P.S.S.A. preparation.

Math - Greatest Common Factor practice
Reading - Finish novel and role for Thursday.
Spelling - Pg. 30 in Spelling Practice book
Writing - Grammar practice p. 36 - plural nouns
Science - Lab sheet question #9 and More Density Problems w.s.
Long-Term - Book Report project is due next Monday.

Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Stair steps, 2 wk. bk. pgs.
Math - Fractions w.s. group 1, and Multiplication w.s. group 2

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