Thursday, January 10, 2013

Building a Timeline

Both Social Studies groups have now been to the computer lab to complete on-line research of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life.  Each student was given a year of Dr. King's life to research.  They picked an event for that year that was interesting, read about it, searched for added information, and summarized what they learned.  Each student will be creating a piece of the timeline using their prepared illustration and summary.  The students found out that his philosophy of passive resistance was similar to that of Nelson Mandela.  Once the timeline is compiled, we will share the work with other students and YOU!  Martin Luther King Jr. Day is coming!  We will remember his great contributions on his special day!

During Language Arts, we enjoyed the last cafe devoted to The Westing Game.  Students shared their roles based on the ending to the novel, and they demonstrated their understanding of all the interesting vocabulary and story elements on their final test.  It was a great story!

Math - LCM "Keep on Climbing"
Reading - Quizzes tomorrow on Storm-a-Dust (Spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension).  Book report is due on Monday.
Social Studies - Study your guide for the Nelson Mandela test which will be on Tuesday.
Wellness - Personal health plan is due tomorrow.  Also, complete part 1 and the scramble of Mr. Barzan's packet for Monday.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Writing assignment, 3X each/study, and 2 wk.bk. pages
Math - Improper fraction w.s. - group 1
           Multiplication w.s. - group 2

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