Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday Already?

What a short week!  We packed a lot in, though!

In Language Arts, we built background information for our new story Storm-a-Dust, and practiced some new vocabulary that will relate, such as eerie, grasslands, gritty, hazy, peculiar, and spindly.  We practiced using the words in many different ways and explored our knowledge of natural disasters so that we may relate to what the characters will be going through in this story.  Some students read part of the story today.

Group 310 continued to learn more about Nelson Mandela in Social Studies.  We had great participation today!  I'm happy to learn that there are students that are taking the discussion home with them; sharing information from class with their parents.  Great dinner conversation!

It has been awhile since we've had an Olweus meeting!  Today, our topic was anger.  We explored what triggers our anger, how we express it, and whether our reactions make the situation better or worse.  This lesson will continue during our next class meeting.

Reading - Trace +2 is due for spelling on Monday.  Finish the novel and be prepared with your role for Thursday.
Science - Lab sheet question #9 and More Density Problems w.s. due Tuesday.
Social Studies - Study notes on Nelson Mandela.  Quiz at the end of next week.
Long-Term - Book Report due on 1/14/13
Phys. Ed. (308) - 9 spot shooting test Wed.

Mrs. Friday's Assignments:

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