Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New C.I.S. Musical!

I was very excited to see the students today!  After all, I haven't seen them since last year!  Although they've probably grown, I recognized each one!

With a new year comes a new C.I.S. musical!  Papers went home before the break for anyone interested in auditions.  Many have responded, and Mrs. (Music) Mac and I are anxious to get started.  Tomorrow night, after school ends, we will meet with all interested students to hear them speak and sing.  This year's musical will be performed in March and will be a salute to heroes!

Language Arts classes reviewed, item by item, the first benchmark exam.  Students were able to see the percentages of student choices on the multiple choice and the reasoning for answers.  We had great discussions during the review.

Group 308 had Physical Education with Mr. Pietras today, but their shooting test has been moved to next Wednesday.  They were able to practice their shots today in class.

In Social Studies, we are looking back to Nelson Mandela.  For the last two weeks before the end of the semester, we will focus on his involvement and leadership during Apartheid in South Africa.  In this way, we will wrap-up our study of Africa. 

Math - Super Factors (front only)  Back may be done if you wish.
Reading - Finish novel, chapters 23-30.  Complete your role for next Thursday.  Final test on the novel will be next Thursday.
Long-Term Assignment - Book Report on a book of your choice is due on 1/14/13
Phys. Ed. - 9 spot shooting test next Wednesday
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Math - Mixed Numbers - Group 1 and Improper Fractions - Group 2
Spelling - None

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