Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Brand New Crew!

Welcome back to a new school year! I was so excited to meet my students on Monday, and so far the week has been busy and moving along quite smoothly. For parents and students new to this blog, I want to welcome you! Please make this blog one of your marked favorites! It will be your window to our classroom. Stories of our days of learning, pictures of work, students at work and play, as well as links to learning sites will be featured. Announcements and homework are other bits of important information I'll share.

 This year, I have a student teacher who will be with me through December. Her name is Miss Albitz, and she is from California University. She has great enthusiasm and has been involving herself in all activities from day #1! Parents coming to Open House on September 19th, from 6:00 - 8:00, will have a chance to meet and talk with her. I'm looking forward to meeting you that night, so I hope you'll set aside time to join in the fun.

I was able to speak to many of you on Monday night after school on the telephone. If you weren't home, I left a message and will try again soon. I enjoyed getting to know you, and I thank you for sharing important information about your child that will be helpful. I'm very excited about the new school year! Every year brings new opportunities and growth for all. I hope you're as excited as I am!

 Enjoy the pictures of an activity the students participated in in Social Studies today. We are starting with Africa this year, but not without reviewing a few map skills. The kids had fun exploring many maps today.

  Reading - Bring your completed and revised poem to class tomorrow. Also bring your body for the art part of the project!


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