Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Week is Flying!

We've been so busy that the week is flying by! Tomorrow is cafe, and we've just about finished the story. Mrs. Mac will share the final chapter on Friday. Some have wished that there would be a sequel to the story, as we're getting attached to Holling. We're anxious to hear what happens.

Much of today was spent reviewing skills in Math and Reading, but we also discussed information about climate and vegetation in Social Studies and heard the beginning of a good book that Cambria is sharing called The Name of This Book is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch.

Reading - Be ready for cafe tomorrow. Bring your role and mug! Study PSSA vocabulary for a Bingo game on Friday.
Math - Form A, pgs 35-38 and p. 40-43
Social Studies - Study! Quiz on Friday.
Wellness - Ch.4, Les. 2, vocab. and questions 1-5
Tech. Ed. - Complete worksheet.

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