Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's All in How You Look at Things!

School is so interesting! In addition to the many things we do and learn in our classrooms, we're able to go to Related Arts classes that really s-t-r-e-t-c-h our imaginations and abilities. One such class is Tech. Ed. with Mrs. Carroll and her student teacher Miss Hoover. In the slideshow above, you'll see us learning and practicing our Orthographic Projection drawings. Orthographic Projection is a drawing technique used to represent a three-dimensional object in two dimensions. It uses multiple views of the object, including front view, top view, and right side view. It requires skill and a plan! We're enjoying our learning in Tech. Ed.

Cafe went well today! We had great discussions about May, and Mrs. Mac will be sharing June (the final chapter) tomorrow. Some things that made us happy in this chapter included Mr. Baker contacting Mrs. Baker through telegram, letting her know he was safe, and Holling helping his sister come home after she had decided to run away. Our records are just about finished, and there are some very creative theme songs for this book! '60s Day is fast approaching, and we thank all the generous parents who have volunteered their time, skill, and items for the stations.

Our class meeting was held this afternoon! We discussed random acts of kindness, and what this can mean to others. Our class has prepared a project as a gesture to spread kindness through the school during the coming week. We hope it brings smiles during this week of testing.

We've missed having Library and were glad to go today. We were able to exchange our books for new ones!

Have a great evening!

Reading - Be ready to discuss the released item given in class yesterday. Also, review the PSSA vocabulary! It will make the Bingo game that much more fun.
Math - Ch. 3 packet, and choose one problem from each lesson.
Social Studies - Quiz tomorrow! Study your lesson and guide.
Wellness - Ch. 4, lesson 2 vocabulary and questions 1-5
Related Arts - Tech. sheet

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