Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thinking About Friendship

The winter is usually a time for turning to comfort foods. Many of us like soups, stews, mac & cheese, and rich desserts. They make us feel good! Today, during our class meeting, we thought about our recent topics of discussion and how they apply to recognizing and keeping good friends. We shared the qualities we look for in friends and why those qualities are important to us. In fact, we took our favorite recipes and friendship qualities and put them together to create Recipes for Friendship. There were so many great ingredients, such as trust, smiles, humor, adventure, and honor. We put these into recipes varying from chocolate desserts to shish ke-babs! It was a great creative effort! If you're looking for a great recipe, check the hallway. Ours will be on display!

Cafe went so well today that we were awarded two Surprise Scramble letters! Discussions were great, and we're enjoying the story more with each month (chapter) we read. Today, we discussed November. Holling is liking Shakespeare and his teacher more and more. We laughed at how much he loved using the curses that Shakespeare wrote on his friends and family. The new assignment is December, and we're looking forward to moving on.

Reading - Continue The Wednesday Wars (December) and complete your new role for Thursday.
Spelling - Study
Science - Atom packet - stop at 31
Wellness - Tooth poem and health packet due Monday
Foreign Language - Study French phrases

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