Friday, February 3, 2012

Coming Events!

It's hard to believe how fast the months are flying! February is here, and some exciting events are in the works. Our school-wide spelling bee will take place on Monday at 1:15pm. D.A.R.E. classes for 6th graders are starting on Friday and will continue through the spring with a graduation event at the Ice-o-plex. We have a special Pittsburgh CLO Gallery of Heroes program, brought to us through CISPO, called Round the World with Nellie Bly coming on February 13th. The Book Fair is right around the corner on the 14th and 15th, and the Jump-a-thon is on the 21st. In addition, students from 5th and 6th grades are working on a musical called Dig It that will be performed on March 29th. Don't blink, or you'll miss something!

During Language Arts today, Macey and Marah shared pictures of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Their father had been a part of clean up efforts in the area after the spill, and the pictures they shared showed the progression of events from the time the rig caught fire to when it sunk in the water. What a devastating event! Thank you to Macey and Marah for narrating the slides and to their parents for adding to our understanding.

Reading - Spelling practice and reading December in The Wednesday Wars. Completed role is due Thursday.
Wellness - Tooth poem and packet work due Monday.
Foreign Lang. - French phrases (study)

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