Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Loaded Words

This week and next, we will be paying close attention to the way authors use persuasive devices. When authors want to convince or persuade us, they use special techniques. They want to appeal to us in a logical, but also emotional way. Today we looked at how they use "loaded words." These words bring the emotional connection they'd like us to have. The example that we studied today portrayed humans as bullies of the environment. The writing used many logical examples and because of the loaded words, we were left with a guilty feeling.

In our groups, we practiced using persuasive devices by writing a letter to Mr. Chambers in an effort to convince him that a four day school week could be beneficial to students' learning. Everyone had a chance to present their points in front of the class, and we discussed how convincing we sounded. Loaded words and how they made us feel were discussed. We will apply the skill throughout the week in relation to our new story, Saving the Sound. Check out the link on our blog that shares more about persuasive devices!

Our new words are related to our environment. Today, we tried to figure out how they are related. The words are cleanup, contaminated, environment, fragile, muck, toll, and widespread. We created a web of relationships to think about how the words will be used in the story. We're looking forward to this nonfiction writing about a huge oil spill.

Reading - Share Family Times paper. Read November in The Wednesday Wars and complete your assigned role for this Thursday's cafe.
Math - Math worksheet A-D and I-J. Chapter 4 test on Thursday.
Spelling - Trace +2 and practice on the blog (Spelling City)
Wellness - Packet and rough draft for tooth poem are due on Monday.
Foreign Language - French Phrases test next Tuesday

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