Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thinking About the Caribbean

Not because it's rainy and gloomy and cold, but today we were thinking about the Caribbean Islands. What would it be like to live there? We read about how diverse the culture is and why. There are many different languages spoken. On some islands, more than one language can be heard. The culture is known for its liveliness! We talked about games that are enjoyed, music that is played, and delicious foods. If only we could take a field trip to the Caribbean!

Groups were able to spend a bit of time to plan and work on the Dinner and Dialogue project.

Reading - Tomorrow we meet with Ms.Rader's group for our kick-off to the new novel.
Math - practice sheet
Social Studies - Dinner and Dialogue due on Jan. 24th. Also, page 72, questions 1,3,4 for Friday
Science - Test tomorrow
Wellness - Toothpaste picture due on Friday
Related Arts - Music Ace work due on Friday

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