Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Blast From the Past

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Remembering the '60s was a big part of Language Arts today, as we enjoyed a kick-off to our new cafe novel called The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt. Ms. Rader and Mrs. Mac combined our groups for this introduction. In the beginning, Ms. Rader and Mrs. Mac sat at a table in front and reminisced about attending elementary school in the '60s. Stories were told of how school was run, games that were popular, family schedules, television, music, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement, and the Vietnam War that was seen and reported on the news. In addition, the slideshow above was shown, along with clips of the first Bewitched and I Love Lucy. We're excited to begin the book, which is divided into months for chapters. Next week, we'll have cafe and discuss the first month (September), as told by the main character Holling who is in seventh grade. We are looking forward to reading!

Today's class meeting was about courage and responding to bullying with courage. Since we are observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday and will not be in school, Mrs. Mac shared a story about this courageous man who led people who were being bullied. Dr. King believed in peaceful demonstrations during the Civil Rights Movement, as opposed to responding with aggression. He had a dream that everyone would be treated equally that was not fully realized before his death. In the face of bullying, we hope to show courage with options that were discussed in class today. Showing courage is difficult. Sometimes people feel that it's easier to do nothing than to do what they think is right. We hope to do what is right.

Group 308 visited Mrs. Shuman in the Library today for a lesson. Today is her birthday, and we all wish her a happy one.

Reading - Please read September of The Wednesday Wars for next Thursday, Jan. 19th. Complete your assigned role.
Math - Finish benchmark practice packet
Social Studies - Study lesson on the Caribbean (section2). Complete Dinner and Dialogue for Jan. 24th.
Wellness - Toothpaste Drawing is due tomorrow.
Related Arts - Music Ace assignment is due tomorrow.

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