Friday, January 13, 2012

Mr. O'Grady's Visit

We were thrilled today to receive a visit from Cambria's dad, Mr.O'Grady, who has served our country for 20 years as a navigator and bombardier on B52s in the U.S. Air Force. Mr.O'Grady shared a Powerpoint presentation of pictures and film clips of the history of flight and his travels. He was once on a flight that went completely around the world! He says that his job in the Air Force has been very satisfying!

Thank you for sharing with us, Mr.O'Grady! Thank you for your service to our country!

Reading - Read September in The Wednesday Wars and complete your role for Thursday.
Social Studies - Complete question #6 on pg. 72. Use a Venn Diagram to generate and organize your ideas. Answer the question in paragraph form. Dinner and Dialogue is due on Jan. 24th.

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