Monday, September 19, 2011

We are Teammates!

We, groups 308 and 310, are teammates! Today, we read and discussed a relationship between two other teammates from the 1940s, and how each played an important role for the other. Jackie Robinson was a teammate of Pee Wee Reese. Each man played the same position. They were shortstops. Jackie Robinson was a talented and courageous man. Pee Wee Reese was a supportive teammate and friend. We enjoyed learning more about these two men and the general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Branch Rickey, who wanted to change the way things were. Jackie Robinson once said, "I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me...All I ask is that you respect me as a human being." It's important for teammates to support one another. We will remember that throughout the year.

Our reading of The Westing Game is coming along. Most of us have made good use of our time and are well on our way to completing the reading and our roles which are due on Thursday. We're all looking forward to participating in our cafe.

During PSSA review today, we continued our lessons practicing the skills of identifying main ideas and themes AND finding mean, median, and mode. We're applying the skills to short passages in reading and were playing a short tic-tac-toe game for mean, median, and mode in Math.

Slowly, we're becoming familiar with the geography of Africa. We reviewed our Atlas Activity today, and many came up with good answers using the maps available.

In Science, we had a solar system scavenger hunt, which was a lot of fun. We're looking forward to learning about the planets in the weeks to come.

Reading - Quizzes Friday for Teammates. Also, read pages 1 - 61 (first 8 chapters) in The Westing Game and complete your role for Thursday.
Spelling - Spelling practice page 8 (ie, ei list)
Writing - Grammar practice page 6 (types of sentences)
Music - Quiz this week
Long-term assignment - PSSA prep assignment for next Monday.

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