Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Imagining Africa as Our Home

We continued becoming familiar with Africa's geography in class today. Important vocabulary words were reviewed and practiced, and the map we colored in class yesterday was often referred to throughout the period. We also visited an interesting website that you can checkout, to the right under links. At this interesting site, the United States can be compared to any other country in the world.

Students visited stations in Language Arts today! During this time, we concluded work on reading and roles for 'The Westing Game,' responding to a prompt regarding the courage shown by Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese in the story 'Teammates,' and reviewed our tricky spelling words on the computer. Busy, busy, busy!

Are you ready to strike a pose? There's nothing to it! Just remember to come to school looking your best tomorrow, and if you haven't already done so, bring your picture money and order.

Reading - Come prepared with your role for McD's Cafe tomorrow! Also, there will be a quiz on Friday on Teammates.
Math - Complete #1-20 on pg. 17
Spelling - Study words! Quiz Friday!
Writing - Final copy of prompt is due tomorrow.
Social Studies - Study.
PSSA - Finish Form A (through p. 12) for class on Monday - Theme/Main Idea

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