Tuesday, September 20, 2011

School is Out of This World!

Our day was very busy! Each class period seemed to fly by! There never seems to be enough time to finish all that we want to do.

We are currently studying the solar system in Science class! Please check out the link to the right to learn more.

In Math, we are learning the value of rounding and estimating numbers. An activity was sent home for further practice.

We worked on our first prompt in Language Arts for the story 'Teammates.' Both Jackie Robinson and his friend, Pee Wee Reese, demonstrated courage in the story in different ways. We are writing about the courage they showed, and we're supporting our writing using text examples. Our organizers were completed and many of us have completed drafts which will be edited. Tomorrow, during station time, we'll complete the writing.

In Social Studies, we took a ten point pre-quiz about our knowledge of Africa's geography. We then viewed a narrated clip about each region's geography. Many of us were pleasantly surprised at how much we knew! We also colored a map of Africa to become familiar with the countries, land, and climate that are a part of each region.

Reading: Quiz on Friday for Teammates. Also, read through p. 61 in The Westing Game and complete your role for Thursday. By next Monday, complete Form A through p. 12 in your PSSA Reading book.
Social Studies: Study notes.
Spelling: Quiz on Friday (ei, ie words).
Math: Practice sheet due tomorrow.

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