Sunday, March 27, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

Ahhhh, spring is here, and there is no better time for this week's classic narrative poem Casey At the Bat by Ernest Lawrence Thayer. Throughout the week, we'll be reviewing the target skill of Summarizing, learning more about the game of baseball, and trying out our theatrical skills with Abbott and Costello's classic comedy routine "Who's On First?". We received our scripts today, and everyone had fun trying different ways to deliver the lines. Each of us will be filmed in costume at Thursday's McD's Cafe. We look forward to sharing this!

Science classes today got quite creative in the computer lab! We created posters illustrating our science vocabulary. We used suffixes, prefixes, roots, and examples to show the meaning of our words. Math classes continued changing mixed numbers into improper fractions and multiplied. We need to remember to slow down, for there are many steps in multiplying mixed numbers.


Language Arts - Memorize your lines for "Who's On First?". Filming will take place on Thursday. Share your new 'Family Times' and complete trace +2 spelling practice.
Math - Kidblog assignment and pg. 57 in workbook
Science - Finish Science Vocabulary poster

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