Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Density and Mixed Numbers!

Science classes today prepared for a lab that will take place tomorrow. We learned about density, float height, mass, and volume. Tomorrow we will use that knowledge to compare the densities of different liquids.
Math classes reviewed multiplying mixed numbers and learned how to divide mixed numbers. We need to first write each number as an improper fraction, find the reciprocal of the divisor, rewrite as a multiplication problem, look for common factors, simplify, and then multiply! Whew! There are many steps, so it is important to take your time and check your work.
Today we read "Winners Never Quit" and we filled in a spider web with the main ideas and details. We practiced our skits for "Who's on First."
Reading: Practice Skit
Math: Page 271, 6-13, show all work
Wellness: (202) Page 85, 1-4

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