Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reviewing Graphics in Texts

Have you ever heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words?" Graphic features are a part of many of the texts we read. We see graphs, charts, diagrams, time lines, and tables that show us information at a glance that it would take many words to explain. Today, we reviewed the tips for interpreting graphics accurately, and practiced applying the tips to various graphic examples. Graphics are very helpful and can be fun to read, but we need to pay attention to all the details included.

A review of the map of Africa and important vocabulary concepts took place in Social Studies today. We also learned about a few animals who are suited to the climate regions of Africa.

Math classes worked hard today in their review of decimals and fractions. Remember to change the denominators when adding and subtracting fractions. Also, we need to SLOW down and read what the question is asking! Mrs. Haddox is very impressed with how we are studying our PSSA folders. Science classes discussed physical properties and density.

Reading - Bring in items for your group's shadowbox! Finish reading Good Night, Maman, and complete your role for Thursday. Study your spelling list for a test on Friday.
Social Studies - Study your two maps and vocabulary. Be ready for your quiz on Thursday.

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