Monday, March 14, 2011


In the above Math Game, you are a math detective and you are to find the criminal using decimals!

Millionaire Math! The above link takes you to a math game where you can try your hand at changing decimals into fractions! Today Math classes reviewed using decimals in all math operations: adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and comparing. Mrs. Haddox gave us some worksheets to help us remember when to line up the decimals and when to move the decimals.

Today, in Social Studies, everyone received a short tour of Africa! Each student presented their chosen country, giving a summary of what they learned during research. We enjoyed hearing about the delicious foods, interesting landmarks, climate, etc. Mrs. Mac is eager to see each journal up-close! Great job, Team!

Good Night, Maman is nearly finished! In addition to completing our discussions from last week in groups, we learned of an interesting final project that will be completed in our groups. We will be creating shadowboxes which depict a scene from the story. We can be creative in our presentation of the scene! Groups were able to plan this out today. Some materials will be available in school, but students are also on the lookout for other interesting items that can make their boxes unique.

Math homework:
Comparing and Ordering decimals worksheet, Decimal Review Worksheet, and page 102, 11-16
Language Arts:
Study new spelling list. The test will be on Friday. Conclude your reading of Good Night, Maman and complete your final role for Thursday. Each group is to bring one shoebox and any materials they'd like to use for their shadowboxes.

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