Friday, March 18, 2011

A Close Knit Group

We are loving knitting in Exploratory! Mrs. Haddox introduced a new Exploratory to NSIS this year: knitting! Not only are the girls learning, but the boys are enjoying it also. We have had the creation of scarves, bracelets, and headbands. Not only are we learning a craft, but it is also a great time to sit, relax, and take a break from class.

Officer Cross visited us today for our D.A.R.E. class. He talked to us about the different kinds of peer pressure. There are different ways to be in charge. We can avoid different situations that are bad to help us make good choices. There are strength in numbers. If you hang with people that do not make bad choices, you will stay out of trouble also. We always enjoy when he comes.

We had an afternoon assembly to pump us up for the PSSA tests! The teachers dressed like coaches and acted out some movie scenes depicting some of the most inspirational speeches from coaches. Not only was it was funny! Our janitors and secretaries even got into the act.

Remember that the PSSA tests start Monday! Get lots of restful sleep and have a good breakfast! Do your best, that is all we ask for!

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