Friday, October 1, 2010

Showing Steeler Support!

Go Steelers!! AND....Go Big Macs, too! Everywhere you looked at N.S.I. today, students were supporting their teams! We love that team spirit!

It was a great Friday! As always, Team Enterprise was going in many directions. Mrs. McIlvaine was very impressed with the earnest discussions taking place in McD's Cafe. Everyone took their roles very seriously and did a nice job of listening and participating. The students practiced looking at the person who was speaking to show respect. We are working on our listening and leadership skills. Our first novel begins next week, and we're very excited.

The students enjoyed the "longest problem ever completed" using order of operations in Math class. The problem was so long that Nate needed another piece of paper!!! The thing that really made Mrs. Haddox do a dance was that most of the students got the problem correct.

Our team further explored the movement of the earth's layers and tested their knowledge of the different boundaries and faults. The website used was colorful and interactive. If you'd like to visit it again, here is the address:

Language Arts - Although we didn't hand in our spelling today, we will do so on Monday. Be prepared!
Math - Gem Problem
Social Studies - Study notes and review pages for Ch. 1 Test. Test will be on Monday.

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