Monday, September 27, 2010

Aunt Sally Stayed!

Aunt Sally stayed in our Math class today to help us with Order of Operations. We remember "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" to help us in solving Math expressions. The "P" in Please is to prompt us to start with the numbers in parenthesis; the "E" in Excuse is to prompt us to solve the exponents; the "M" in My is to prompt us to solve the multiplication; the "D" in Dear is to prompt us to solve the division; the "A" in Aunt is to prompt us to solve the addition; and the "S" in Sally is to prompt us to solve the subtraction. When we are faced with only addition and subtraction, we work from left to right to solve the problem, even if the subtraction is first.

Did you know that the Earth's crust recycles itself? While new crust is being formed in some places, older crust is being formed in other places. The students learned how the sea-floor is spreading and pushing the continents apart.

In Reading, we responded to a writing prompt about Pee Wee Reese and Jackie Robinson using "POWER."

In Social Studies, we used large desk maps of the United States and the world to locate latitude and longitiude points. We also figured out the coordinates for cities around the United States and the world.

Math: Worksheet on PEMDAS
Science: Worksheet, front and back, on the plates
Wellness (204): read pages 320-325 and complete vocabulary and the questions 1-3, and 5 on page 325.
Spelling: Study Words
Social Studies: Study vocabulary
Writing: Finish prompt

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