Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today was picture day! The students looked quite stunning in their picture-best clothes.

In Science, the students learned how studying the Earth's crust is important. We reviewed for a test that will be given on Friday. Look tomorrow on the blog for a bonus question! Remember to study your vocabulary, especially the different types of boundaries and faults.

The students continued to review the Order of Operations in Math class. We are enjoying solving the problems with Dear Aunt Sally.

The students impressed me today with their encouraging friendly letters that they wrote to a friend in Wellness class. They used sympathetic words and the friendly letter form.

In Social Studies, the students plotted coordinates for two ace fliers that flew around the world. We used our knowledge of latitude and longitude and a world map to plot our coordinates.

Social Studies: Study vocabulary words.
Wellness- (204) page 332, 1-3; (202) Friendly Letter
Math- PEAS Worksheet #2, both sides
Science- begin to review for your test on Friday.

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