Wednesday, October 6, 2010

N.S.I. - A Part of Consol Energy Center Mosaic!

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Please check out the link above to see the special piece of N.S.I. that is a part of the Consol Energy Center as a result of our generous donations to the Mario Lemieux Foundation during last year's Beard-a-Thon. Mr. Bluemling forwarded this link to us today, and we were so excited to view it. Follow the directions beneath the link to see our tile! Thanks to Mr. Bluemling for sharing!

Today, our North Strabane firefighters visited with valuable information to keep us safe! They shared information about fire safety, showed us their protective uniforms, and let us view a video of how quickly a fire can start and get out of hand. We are so thankful for them! We're lucky that they care about us and protect us.

In Language Arts, we practiced the skill of cause and effect as it applies to our story April's Mud. The story was reviewed thoroughly in class. Quizzes will be on Monday. Some time was also devoted to reading Bud, Not Buddy, as well as role preparation for this week's McD's Cafe. We will have a guest tomorrow who will take part in the modeling of a discussion for the first portion of our novel. This is a very special guest, and we are looking forward to her visit.

Learning Station time went very smoothly this afternoon! Our team practiced many skills, from Mathematical Properties to identifying Cause and Effect. We'll attend our last two stations tomorrow!

Language Arts - Quizzes on Monday! Also, read the first 5 chapters (p. 1-44) in Bud, Not Buddy and prepare role. This is due on Friday.
Math - R1-10 and R1-11 in practice book.

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