Wednesday, October 6, 2010

McD's Cafe Welcomes a Special Guest!

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Our team welcomed Mrs. Dziak back to N.S.I. for McD's Cafe! She puts the D into McD's! Mrs. Dziak talked with the team about the importance of reading. She helped the students understand that there isn't a job in life where reading is not important. Reading is a part of all life! She discussed many examples! She also shared how she became a reader, what she reads everyday, and how reading has helped her in her work. Finally, she encouraged the team to find what they like to read. She explained that some reading is assigned, but there are times when they can choose. Mrs. Dziak's message was to have fun with reading.

After drinks were served, Mrs. Dziak shared Chapter 3 of Bud, Not Buddy. Camden gave a great summary of the first two chapters before she began. Our team is enjoying this story, along with all the other 6th grade teams. We can hardly wait to find out what happens to Bud as he continues his search for his father.

In Math class today, Mrs. Haddox reviewed the Distributive Property. We took notes and practiced applying the property in problems.

Language Arts - Quizzes for 'April's Mud' will be on Monday. Study spelling and vocabulary. Read Chapters 1-5 (p. 1-44) and prepare your role for McD's - part 2 tomorrow.
Math - Revisit R1-10 and then P10.

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