Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It Happened to Me!


Today, Team Enterprise was introduced to a new writing assignment that will help us focus more on the "Ideas" trait of writing. Many things happen to us in life! Some we forget, and some we can't help but remember. The events that really stick with us are those that evoke strong emotion. Mrs. McIlvaine modeled the assignment by telling a story about an adventure she and her brother Doug shared when they were very young. The story helped everyone in class understand a little more about how Mrs. McIlvaine ended up as a teacher. After everyone heard the story, Mrs. McIlvaine wrote the main points of her story as told in chronological order. After reading the points, we decided that although this told the story, it wasn't nearly as interesting as the original story told verbally. The great details were missing! These details were what made us sit on the edges of our seats! The story wasn't nearly as exciting without them! Mrs McIlvaine pointed out that we need these details in our stories. Tomorrow, we will tell the stories that have happened to us! We will write our main points in chronological order, and then prepare to tell our stories in writing WITH DETAIL! If we can remember it, and we can tell it, we can write it!

Today, we enjoyed a little of Bud, Not Buddy in Language Arts class. We listened to the first chapter and discussed Bud's life as a foster child. The story, told from Bud's point of view, is very touching. We are enjoying Bud's Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself. So far, his life has not been easy.

We also enjoyed some time to read April's Mud. We are looking forward to discussion tomorrow. Be ready with your answers to the Comprehension Check questions.

In Science, we were ROCKING OUT! We discovered the properties of Igneous Rocks! Using our resource book, we completed a lab observing 7 different kinds of rocks.

Properties of addition and multiplication were the basis for our mini-white board game in Math. We used our fast skills to complete problems and identify properties. We enjoyed the fast-paced competition!

Language Arts - Quizzes on Monday (spelling, comprehension). Read chapters 1-5 (p. 1-44) in Bud, Not Buddy and complete role.
Math - p. 29, 1-18. Make sure you identify the properties.
Science - Lab Observation Sheet

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