Friday, September 24, 2010

Full Moon Friday?

Is it the full moon? The whole sixth grade seemed to be a little noisy today. Everyone seemed to notice, including Mr. Abbondanza. We're hoping it was just the moon!

Today, Team Enterprise got their first taste of role preparation. We applied the roles to The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Students were split into groups and we're able to work together to prepare questions, identify interesting words, find exciting story parts, and analyze various characters. Each student will return to their respective group next week to use the cards for discussion. Spelling Soup was interesting today! The ie, ei pattern was giving more than a few students trouble! Please continue to practice on Spelling City. The test will be on Wednesday.

Due to Chorus, Art, and Phys. Ed., we do not have Social Studies on Friday. Everyone should continue to study their new map vocabulary words for a quiz next week. Get ready for our 'Orange With an Attitude' activity on Monday! It will be the beginning lesson for determining exact location!

We worked hard on our Math Test today. The students were tested on sections 1-1 through 1-7. On Monday, the students will learn about Mrs. Haddox's Aunt Sally and how she loves Math.

Why is the sea-floor spreading? The students learned the answer to this question in science. Next week, we will be discovering the different kinds of rocks that make up the crust of our planet.

Language Arts - Finish your McD's role, if it is unfinished. Study spelling and vocabulary.
Social Studies - Study vocabulary words.
Science - Define vocabulary for pages D-6 through D-9.

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