Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fun with Maps

We are having a great week and have been so busy!  The slideshow above shows some activities we've been participating in to learn more about maps.  We've learned much about tools found on maps that help us interpret the information they show. In the pictures, you will see our orange activity that helped us learn about the lines of latitude and longitude, and the desk maps we used to find exact locations using the global grid.  The periods at school fly by!  Often, when class is over, we are not ready to stop what we're doing. 

In Language Arts, we joined Ms. Rader's classes in the cafeteria to kick off our Readers' Cafe (McD's)!  Our teachers read a short story and modeled the roles we'll be taking in cafe!  It was fun to see how everything will work!  We will receive our first novel next week!  Yay!

Math - Practice sheet
Reading - Story boards are due tomorrow. There will bevocabulary/comprehension quizzes next Thursday.
Social Studies - Study your study guide.  There will be a quiz next Wednesday.
Chorus - Chorus sheet is due next Tuesday.

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