Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Already?

Busy, busy, busy is the best way to describe our school days!  It's the reason I shake my head on a Friday in disbelief that it's Friday. 

In Language Arts, students visited three skill stations to review sequencing in regards to our story, Tony and the Snark.  They had fun exchanging storyboards, placing them in sequential order, and retelling main events in their own words.  Boards are on display and can be seen at Open House.  At station two, students explored Spelling City on our blog. Every spelling list for the year has been loaded, so students may play games and take practice tests for each list they work on this year.  They now know how to access the lists for review, and there are many activities to choose from.  Word cards were manipulated at station three, where students used vocabulary to form the four types of sentences. 

Group 310 visited for more map practice today!  They were using the global grid to find exact locations of cities all over the Earth with desk maps.  We will soon move on to the geography of Africa next week!  Everyone is doing so well.

During our weekly team meeting today, the students and I talked about bullying and the general rules of sharing during team meetings.  We discussed some of the activities in which we'll participate this year.  Many seem quite comfortable sharing thoughts, so we should have lively meetings this year.

In Music, Mrs. McIlvaine has been teaching lessons about The Star Spangled Banner.  She sent me an e-mail with a test alert for next Wednesday.  All students have a study guide that they should review, and they should know the words to the song.  When I picked them up from class yesterday, they sang the song for me, and it sounded quite beautiful!

Math - Quiz on Monday
Language Arts - Spelling and selection quizzes next Thursday.
Social Studies - Study your study guide.  Quiz on Wednesday (group 308) and Thursday (310)
Music - see above

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