Thursday, April 12, 2012

When Friends Fight

Let's face it, our friends are very important to us. Life is wonderful when we're getting along with our friends. However, friendships are rough at times. Being human, we make mistakes and say or do things to hurt each other. Today's lesson during our class meeting time was about how to examine a fight in order to find a way to solve what's happening. We learned about questions we can ask ourselves, such as How did this start? Have any of us done things to make it worse? Am I mainly angry at my friend for something he did, or am I mostly sad that we're fighting? There are other questions, too, that helped us to organize our thoughts to approach our friends for discussion. Many good thoughts and examples were shared in class today, and we used our smart projector to explore our blog's new link, It's My Life. Next week, we'll continue our lesson and learn more about how to approach a situation, as well as the importance of being able to say "I'm sorry."

McD's Cafe went very smoothly today, and our tables were buzzing with discussion about Claudia, Jamie, and their plan to run away. We are looking forward to finding out what will happen when their parents discover that they're not coming home from school. Claudia and Jamie should be hiding out in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City by that time! What guts!

Reading - Read chapters 3 and 4 in From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler for next Thursday. You will receive your new roles and vocabulary tomorrow. Also, review Wilma Unlimited! Quizzes tomorrow.
Math - 93R 8-7
Spelling - Study your words! Quiz tomorrow.
Grammar - We will continue our practice with verb tenses tomorrow (perfect), and review homework p. 63

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