Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Perfect Tenses!

It was fun using our new smart projector today! We were studying past, present, and future perfect tenses! This was a new concept, and we had fun thinking about the examples presented. Everyone took notes, and we did really well explaining our answers during guided practice. If there are any problems with practice tonight, our notes will be very helpful.

We reviewed our atlas exploration activity today in Social Studies. There were great answers, so we are becoming very skilled with our map interpretation. On Friday, we will begin taking a closer look at the land and climate variations in this vast area.

Reading - Come prepared for cafe! Have your completed role! Review your vocabulary!
Quizzes on Wilma Unlimited will be on Friday.
Math - Page C
Spelling - Study! Quiz Friday!
Grammar - Grammar practice p. 63 (refer to notes, if needed)
Science - Energy packet due tomorrow.

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