Wednesday, March 28, 2012

On the Home Stretch!

Today marks an end to the third quarter, and report cards will be distributed next Wednesday. It's hard to believe we're on the home stretch of this school year!

We enjoyed reading about Jose and Arnie in Born Worker by Gary Soto. The two boys in the story, cousins, were so different! They especially were different in their view of work. We found that the way they had been raised made all the difference. The author used the parents in the story to show this difference. Yesterday, we reflected on clues the author gave about the parents' influence and how the boys turned out. We found these contrasts and wrote about them. Today, we demonstrated our understanding of the key vocabulary words and story elements by answering comprehension questions in a quiz. We also demonstrated our mastery of assigned irregular plurals in spelling.

Now that we have our trading card templates and assigned European countries, it was time to research using Culture Grams. Many of us have found interesting facts and information about our countries to draw and write about on our trading cards.

Tomorrow, we will enjoy viewing a history of ancient civilization in song! The cast of Dig It, made up of 5th and 6th grade students from our school, will be performed at 2:00pm and 7:00pm. Many classmates have worked hard, and we're looking forward to it!

Reading - Tomorrow we will kick off our new novel in cafe!
Math - Complete front and back of practice sheet
Social Studies - Trading card design is due on April 2nd.

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