Monday, March 26, 2012

Designing Trading Cards!

Our new project for Europe and Russia was distributed today! We are creating trading cards depicting interesting facts and information about our assigned countries. Many instructions were given in class about how to complete the template. The projects will be copied onto card stock. The cards will be cut and distributed on trading card day. Each of us will go home with a complete set of European trading cards! We're ready to get busy with our research for this cool project!

During Language Arts, we applied the skill of comparing and contrasting to a short story. Some of us read What Mama Does and others read Daniel's Roller Coasters. Both were interesting stories! While we read, Mrs. Mac tested each of us individually for reading fluency. Letters regarding our performance will be found in our report card envelopes. It's hard to believe that the nine week period is almost over!

Reading - Quiz Wednesday on Born Worker
Math - Game board project is due tomorrow.
Spelling - Quiz on assigned words this Wednesday
Social Studies - Chapter 1 test (Europe and Russia) tomorrow
Wellness - DARE take-home sheet and rough draft for comic strip

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