Friday, February 10, 2012

New D.A.R.E. Class!

This week our groups had their first D.A.R.E. class! Group 310 went yesterday, and group 308 went today. We met our instructor, Cecil Township's own Officer Strain. He introduced us to the program, gave us our books, and our first informational handouts to share with our parents. We learned a little about Officer Strain, our class rules, what D.A.R.E. stands for, and talked about the decision making model. We're looking forward to learning more each week!


Reading - PSSA p. 25 (50-55) is due on Monday. Read January and February in The Wednesday Wars and complete your role for Thursday.
Science - Science packet due on Wednesday
Wellness - Complete your D.A.R.E. book work for Wednesday (p.5, 28, and 32). Share the handout with your parents and have it signed.

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