Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We came back to a busy, busy Tuesday! Each of our classes attended related arts classes (Music and Foreign Language) first thing in the morning. Then, we had short Language Arts and Math classes before being visited by representatives from the University of Pittsburgh, as part of the Smart Schools project.

This afternoon, after our team's Chorus class, the majority of us participated in The American Heart Association's Jump-a-thon, organized and supervised by Mr. Pietras. We had a great time! A total of 275 students participated in the fun, and we raised a total of $7,000 (5th grade - $4,000 and 6th grade - $3,000)for a great cause!

Just so you know....
Jumping rope can burn up to 1000 calories per hour!
It is one of the most efficient workouts possible!
It tones muscles in the entire body, developing long, lean muscles in all major muscle groups.
It optimizes cardiovascular conditioning and maximizes athletic skills by combining agility, coordination, timing, and endurance.
It's easy to learn!
It's fun!

Reading - Share your 'Family Times.' Complete pgs. 27-29 in Buckle Down - Form A - The Best Movie Ever Made. Read March in The Wednesday Wars and complete your new role.
Math - Pgs. 355-357, 1-25
Spelling - Trace +2 and Spelling Practice book pg. 42.
Social Studies - Study your study guide.
D.A.R.E. - Pg. 10, 28, and 33. Also, get your form signed. All work is due tomorrow.

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