Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Google-eyed View of Europe and Russia

Thanks to Google Earth, we were able to take a close look at the land and water of Europe and Russia. We visited the lab today to see a United Streaming clip about the land, climate, and resources found in Europe. Following the clip, we used Google Earth. This tool is so much fun to use, and with it we were able to walk the streets, visit famous landmarks and cities, and see the lay of the land. We were also able to check on the weather for the day!

As you are aware, our school is taking part in the University of Pittsburgh Smart Schools Project. The Graduate School of Public Health is studying social mixing and respiratory transmission in schools in an effort to understand more about how the flu spreads in schools. They are hoping the information will help them to develop strategies to better protect students, school staff, and the community. Today, those participating wore motes. A mote is a small electronic device powered by two AA batteries. They send out weak signals every 20 seconds. They look for other motes and record the signal of other motes. Students wore them all day long and turned them in at the end of the day. The University will study the data they provide, along with our student diaries. Interesting!


Reading - Please read March in The Wednesday Wars and be prepared with your role for tomorrow's cafe.
Math - Turning fractions into percentages - pg. 81, problems 3,5,6 in practice book.
Spelling - Spelling practice book p. 43 for tomorrow.
Social Studies - Study
Wellness - D.A.R.E. form due by tomorrow.

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