Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cafe Day!

Today, we had cafe! Each group came well prepared! We are nearing the finish of our novel, and Holling has completely won us over. The groups buzzed today about his fearlessness and humor. We also enjoyed his date! Mrs. Baker and Holling have developed a special relationship and understanding, as well. We're moving on to "March" this week!

Ms. Rader and Mrs. Mac will be joining groups for our culminating activity - 60s Day! This will be coming in March, and we're looking forward to all of the fun activities that await us.

Reading - Read "March" in The Wednesday Wars. Complete your new role.
Math - Chapter 5 Test tomorrow. Complete pg. 288-289 #s 1-8 and 11-20. Fraction Poem due (10 lines) tomorrow.

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