Tuesday, December 6, 2011


After skill practice, building background knowledge, and practicing new vocabulary, we are ready to read about Brian and his exciting adventure in the wilderness of northern Canada. His story is one of survival, and today, we tried to put ourselves in his shoes. We talked about what it would be like to be stranded alone in the wilderness. What would we do first? How would we meet our most basic needs? We're anxious to see how Brian survives being in this scary situation.

In Social Studies, we reviewed the two main ideas from yesterday's lesson about the climate and vegetation of Latin America. The first big idea was that the climate varies greatly in Latin America, even within the same country. The second big idea was that elevation, nearness to the Equator, and winds from the water affect climate in Latin America. Together, we supported those two big ideas with examples we learned in class yesterday.

Reading - Practice vocabulary with p. 62 in practice book. Finish Number the Stars and complete your final role for the story.
Math - Keep on Climbing division worksheet. Chapter test Friday.
Science - Hot Air Balloon worksheet
Wellness - sheet for Mr. Barzan
Social Studies - Quiz Friday

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