Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cafe Day!

Today was a great day in cafe! We finished our discussion about Number the Stars. We began with a short discussion about predictions we had made that were realized, as well as some that did not happen. Exciting moments in the story were discussed, and we shared our sadness about Peter's death. As we grow, we're finding that not all stories have happy endings, like the books we read when we were younger. During next week's cafe, we will hear from Fritz Ottenheimer, a Jewish author, who will share his experience of living during Hitler's reign.

A new project is in the works to inspire our classmates and others to read! We are creating Top Ten lists! We are sharing our favorite books with ten reasons why others should read them (#1 will be the MOST IMPORTANT reason). Later, our lists will be shared as a top ten countdown! This project was started in class today and is due next Thursday. Hopefully, our reasons will be convincing.

Empathy continued to be our topic in our class meeting for the Olweus Bullying Program. We reviewed a bit and then created "Someone Else's Shoes!" On each shoe is an example of a time when we showed empathy or empathy was shown to us. Many great examples were shared. Being able to show empathy deepens our friendships and relationships with others.

Tomorrow, all sixth grade students will be traveling to the Canonsburg Middle School for a Winter Concert! Please be on time, as buses will be leaving shortly after attendance is taken.


Special thanks to Brianna and Becca, as well as their parents, for the delicious drinks in cafe today.

Reading - Top Ten List due next Thursday
Math - Finish study guide. Chapter Test tomorrow.
Spelling - Study your list
Social Studies - Quiz tomorrow.
Science - Hot Air Balloon sheet due Friday
Wellness - Mr. Barzan's sheet is due on Monday

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