Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Public Speaking!

We had a few butterflies in our bellies during Language Arts today. It was journal sharing day, and we each shared an entry of our choice with our classmates. The first journal entries we chose to share happened one-on-one with the teacher, so this was different. We had to speak loud and clear for our friends to hear. Many entries were humorous, particularly the one about what goes on in the teachers' room. Most students think that there is a disco ball and pool table, among other things, in that room. We even made Mrs. Mac wonder if she knows where this room is, since there were so many common ideas about what goes on.

Below is a slideshow of odds and ends! Some of the pictures were taken in Math class today, while students practiced identifying the various properties using a game. Others are of a display of work based on our reading of The Westing Game. Students were assigned one of the many characters in our story to analyze. Using descriptions from the author, what the character does and says, and what other characters are saying about him/her, the student was asked to create a picture of the character, as well as a Wordle filled with words relating to him/her. We chose to make the Wordles in the shape of a tall mug because we are reading and discussing this novel in our Reader's Cafe. Enjoy!

There is a link to the right that has games and practice relating to The Westing Game, called The Westing Heirs! Take a peek! Have fun!

In Social Studies, we explored the availability and use of natural resources in Africa. We are wrapping up the chapter on Africa's geography and will be reviewing for our chapter test.

Reading - Tomorrow is McD's Reader's Cafe! Please be prepared by having your role and Mr. Hoo's Fortune Cookie project ready.'s not all about the drinks! (heehee) Story quiz for April's Mud will be on Friday. Review!
Math - Property practice 1-9 and Distributive Property practice 1-10 only
Spelling - Quiz Friday
Science - Outer Planets study guide due on Friday.

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