Monday, October 3, 2011

It's October!

October is here, and with it has come some cooler weather and beautiful, colorful trees. It is a beautiful time of the year!

Language Arts groups continued reading and searching for clues about our characters in The Westing Game. Things are heating up, bombs are going off, and we are surprised by some of the characters we thought we knew so well. Each student has been assigned a character to draw and to describe using a wordle. A few wordles have been completed in the shape of mugs (for our cafe), and they are awesome!

In another Language Arts activity, we worked on determining which of the many details in a story can be described as important. Tips for finding important details were applied during our PSSA prep time today.

In Social Studies, we continued our exploration of Africa by studying climate patterns across the continent, and discussing the factors that affect climate. Hand in hand with climate, we explored the types of vegetation one would find in Africa.

Reading - Review your story, April's Mud. Quiz on Friday. Also, read through p. 111 in The Westing Game and prepare your role for Thursday. Your Mr. Hoo's fortune cookie assignment is also due at cafe time.
Math - P1-9 Math worksheet
Spelling - Study! Quiz on Friday.
Social Studies - Review climate and vegetation lesson. Short quiz tomorrow.
Wellness - 10 positive traits

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