Monday, October 17, 2011

Mystery Theater #2!

Welcome to our Mystery Theater #2! Hopefully, you'll seize this opportunity for an extra credit point in Language Arts! Good luck!

In Language Arts today, we reviewed the meanings of our new vocabulary and began using them in compound and complex sentences. Tomorrow, sentences will be shared and checked for proper placement of commas and conjunctions. Also tomorrow, we'll be reading our story 'Hot Dogs and Bamboo Shoots.' The story is an autobiography, and we're anxious to learn more about the Japanese American girl who describes her experiences in America and Japan.

In Social Studies, we viewed a film clip from United Streaming about the various cultures of people in Africa. There are also new links on our blog with great pictures and information to explore. Tomorrow, our Travel Journal assignment will begin. We will draw a region from a container and pick a country from that region to research.

We continue to study nutrition in Wellness. Today we learned more about the Food Pyramid (all new) and how to use it to plan for healthy eating.

Reading - Read pages 145-201 in The Westing Game. Complete your reading and role for Friday.
Math - Study for tomorrow's test
Spelling - Study! Test this Wednesday
Grammar - Finish sentences started in class and grammar p. 19
Science - Complete Neptune worksheet and study. Test next Friday.

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