Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dwarf Planet

In Science, we have been learning about our solar system. Above you will see an image of Pluto.

During Language Arts, we visited stations following our spelling test. Our dictation today consisted of three compound/complex sentences. Station work included practicing identifying and making generalizations with a story about Nellie Bly, a news reporter. We also used a program called Culture Grams to research our chosen country in Africa. Finally, we had a discussion with Mrs. Mac about Hot Dogs and Bamboo Shoots, following our guided reading activity from yesterday's class.

Tomorrow, our cafe groups are in for a special treat! We have special guests, experts in solving mysteries, coming to visit! Maybe they will have an idea or two about the mystery of The Westing Game!


Reading - Read pages 145-201 in The Westing Game, and complete your role for Friday.
Math - Page 101 P-9
Social Studies - Travel Journal due on 11/2
Science - Pluto worksheet
Art - Bring a picture of the building you wish to draw for class next week.

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