Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thinking Hard!

It was the perfect day for thinking! The rain was pouring down this gloomy afternoon, our bellies were full from eating lunch, and we had all studied for our test. We got down to business right away. Looking forward to great results!

This morning, we read our story, April's Mud! We played Read 'n Roll to read and discuss the story. With our partners, we read until Mrs. Mac gave the signal to stop. Then, a roll of the die determined our question for discussion. A 1-2 asked us to explain a cause and effect relationship from the story. A 3 asked us what character we most identified with and why. A 4 asked us about the conflict and how it was getting worse/better. A 5 asked us for a prediction. A 6 asked us to form a one sentence summary. Mrs. Mac stopped us several times, and we concluded with a great discussion. April's parents were free-spirited! April referred to them by their first names! We enjoyed comparing their parenting styles to those of our parents. Our discussions will continue on Friday.

Reading - Be prepared for McD's Reader's Cafe tomorrow. Being prepared means that you've read through p. 84 in The Westing Game, your role is completed and cut.
Math - Order of Operations sheet
Science - Study. Test on Friday.
Wellness - 10 Positive Traits are due Friday

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