Monday, September 26, 2011

Thinking About Cause and Effect

Causes and effects come into play daily. One thing leads to another! Sometimes text is organized by causes and effects. Sometimes clue words help us to identify causes and effects, such as therefore, because, as a result, etc. If you ask yourself why, the answer will be the cause. If you ask yourself what happened, the answer will be the effect. One cause can have multiple effects, and one effect can have multiple causes. Determining causes and effects will be practiced throughout the week in relation to our new story, April's Mud. Look at the 'Family Times' paper that was sent home today for more information on what to expect this week.

In Social Studies, we reviewed study guides and information regarding Africa's geography. Tomorrow, we'll play review games in stations! The test has been moved to Wednesday of this week. Please continue to review and explore the links on this blog.

During PSSA review, students worked on reviewing graphing in Math and determining Theme and Main Idea in Reading. Everyone seemed to do a great job with Theme and Main Idea. Our answers to our practice exercises were correct!

You are what you eat! Nutrition was the topic in Wellness today. We focused on what nutrition labels show us about the foods we eat. Our diets need to be well rounded, and in the coming days, we'll be paying close attention to those labels.

Reading - Share 'Family Times'. Read through p. 84 in The Westing Game and complete your role for Thursday.
Spelling - Trace +2 for new list of long u words.
Social Studies - Geography test on Wednesday. Please study.
Wellness - Nutrition label activity is due tomorrow.

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