Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Percentages and Periodic Table!

Math classes reviewed how to find the percent of something. We used shaded images to created a ratio with 100. Science classes worked on their Element Flyers in the computer lab. Mrs. Haddox is quite impressed with the information we have found! The creativity was overflowing in that lab. The flyers are quite impressive!

This afternoon we enjoyed shopping at the book fair. We purchased books, pencils, pens, and crazy erasers. Mrs. Haddox even found a new car poster for our room.

Our new story this week is one of Mrs. Mac's favorites. It's a historical fiction selection relating to our Statue of Liberty called A Brother's Promise. The skill for the week is plot, so we practiced identifying Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, and the Resolution of a short story. We will continue to practice identifying these important story elements throughout this week and next. New spelling words were given today, as well. This will be our list for this week and next.

In Social Studies we are learning about the earliest people in Africa. We took some notes and had discussions about how civilizations came to be. This lesson will continue tomorrow.

Language Arts - Share "Family Times" paper. Practice your new spelling words.
Social Studies - Finish Review questions 3,4,and 5 on page 34. Study.
Science - Element project due on May 2nd
McD's - Read pages 49-125 for Thursday in Pictures of Hollis Woods. Complete your role.

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